Monday 9th May 2022

Beautiful conditions today, though a little cold. Migrants were a struggle to find however. Mothing took a hit as well because of the low temperatures. A pair of oystercatchers have been very obvious the last few days, presumably they'll soon settle down nearby, perhaps in the docks. Swallows are now daily, mostly heading south, though only in low double figures, a situation echoed around the country it seems. Even the local whitethroats have dropped down to 1 from 4 which isn't a promising sign . .

This is the first Mullein Moth seen for several years. Though we manage to find larvae in many years, its rare to get an adult here. The pupa can live underground for up to 5 years before emerging, which is almost certainly why we have such intermittent records of adults.

Birds Ringed: Chiffchaff 1, Linnet 1, Wheatear 1, Willow Warbler 1