Tuesday 10th May 2022

A change in the wind direction, some cloudy weather and rain brought a few long expected migrants our way today. As the nets were opened a male nightingale was tremulously singing in the tamarisks, and proceeded to sing full voice all morning. A few minutes later and the first 4 swifts of spring at Landguard headed south, to be followed by another 37 during the morning, and 110 swallows and the first 3 house martins of the year here also.

A few birds were moving at sea, with tufted duck and shoveler moving along the coast, though the most significant record was of a guillemot that landed at the point.

Ringing was surprisingly quiet, despite high hopes and rain soon stopped play anyway.

Appropriately enough, with the arrival of the avian common swifts, was this Common Swift moth, which is fairly common here in the summer.

Ringed Birds: Blackcap 1, Robin 1