Monday 13th June 2022


On the move northbound 9 Little Tern & 2 Sandwich Tern with southbound 2 Kittiwake that then went into the river mouth. After getting a dispersing young Nightingale last Saturday it was a surprise to get an adult today. The nearest breeders are the other side of the dock or on the Shotley peninsula at least 5 km away. One can always speculate as to why such sightings occur but it could be down to "developers" sending in the bulldozers onto what they consider "waste ground" or landowners removing scrub forcing birds to move out.

It would help if all moths had their ID marks on them - in this case Figure of 80 (or 08 looking from this side). They live here on the Poplars in small numbers.

Ringing: 2 Dunnock, 2 Robin, 1 Blue Tit, 1 Nightingale.