Tuesday 14th June 2022

A quiet day today, though still a day of possibilities, as 3 beeeaters were reported close by in Felixstowe, but alas, did not head over or within view of the observatory!

Young birds were much in evidence, with every bird ringed being juvenile. Insects have taken centre stage this month, with Scarce Emerald damselflies still present at the Butts Pond and a couple of Hummingbird Hawkmoths seen in the observatory and on the reserve.

Still on the insect front, this moth, Caryocolum marmorea, is a nationally scarce species that occurs here in good numbers. Today alone saw over 100 in the observatories moth traps.

Ringed Birds: Blue Tit 1, Dunnock 1, Goldfinch 1, Great Tit 1, Linnet 1, Robin 1.