Wednesday 15th June 2022


On the move southbound 8 Greylag Goose & 5 Curlew with northbound 5 Sandwich Tern & 4 Swallow. Only bird out of context was a visitation by a Jay but what it's up to at this time of the year is difficult to explain although we do have seven previous June records over the past 40 years. Good selection of butterflies includes three species of Skipper on the Butts but no quantity of numbers.

With only 16 British records up to the end of 2020 it was a bit of a surprise to get the first site record of Banded Pine Carpet. The species was only noted for the first time on mainland Britain in 2014 so maybe it has colonisation in mind.

Ringing: 1 Goldfinch, 1 Linnet, 1 Wood Pigeon.