Monday 15th August 2022

A slight change in weather really did help bring the autumn migration feeling to the observatory. Plenty of birds moving, including redstart, pied flycatcher and yellow wagtail and a lot of ducks, gulls, terns and waders moving past all morning. A marsh harrier moving south was our one bird of prey for the day.

Hawkers, both migrant and southern, were very abundant around the observatory.

It was a very busy morning for moths, which was good as we had two young members turn up specifically to check the traps. One moth trap held 7 Jersey Tiger Moths, and another held our 3rd Spurge Hawkmoth of the year. The moth pictured however is even less regular, being barely annual here, and perhaps unfairly named, the Plain Pug.

Birds Ringed: Lesser Whitethroat 2, Robin 1, Whitethroat 2, Willow Warbler 1