Tuesday 16th August 2022

Migration slowed today, and the moths were less hectic than yesterday. Willow warblers were still trickling through and singles of reed warbler and blackcap were present, along with increased numbers of whitethroat. 35 pied wagtails on the reserve is very notable and clearly suggests they've had a good breeding season. Also of note was the ringing of 2 sparrowhawks, something that is incredibly rare here. Both were juveniles, on male and one female. 

Whilst the moths were less hectic, the site additions keep coming. Fig-leaf Skeletonizer was discovered in Suffolk in 2021 and will be coming to your fig trees soon (if it hasn't already).

Birds Ringed: Blackcap 1, Sparrowhawk 2, Starling 1, Willow Warbler 3