Friday 21st October 2022

The morning started calm, with the wind increasing as it progressed. Plenty of goldcrests were present along with a lot of migrant robins. Still some blackcaps and a chiffchaff hanging around and a firecrest (perhaps yesterdays) was still hanging around in the compound. Alas, no sign of yesterdays Pallas' warbler, unusually for one this early in the season. Another great spotted woodpecker paid us a visit as did a couple of redpoll very early in the morning. 

Goldfinch and meadow pipit numbers picked up a little today, but not to the peaks they have been, not surprising given the lateness of the date. A mistle thrush over was our second of the week, they haven't been common here this year, even during passage. 

Endotricha flammealis, or the Rose-flounced Tabby is a late record for here as they've usually finished flying by now. 

Birds Ringed: Blackbird 2, Blackcap 1, Chiffchaff 1, Goldcrest 11, Great Spotted Woodpecker 1, Great Tit 2, Grey Wagtail 1, Lesser Redpoll 2, Meadow Pipit 1, Robin 10, Wren 4.