Thursday 20th October 2022

A stormy morning with strong easterlies brought some interesting migrants. Thrushes and finches were all over the compound, with 5 brambling, 2 ring ouzel and a mistle thrush present. Our first Pallas' warbler was found mid morning and remained for the day though it was very elusive. It was joined by at least 15 goldcrest and a firecrest before the weather lifted and the birds spread out more. 15 little gulls flew south, first we've seen for a while.  

Later in the afternoon as it got dark, a jack snipe was caught behind the kitchen. The third to be ringed here in the observatories history, it thrilled the lucky small group of birders present to see it released. 

On the moth front we also had a significant find, the second site record of a red listed endangered Figure of Eight. This species has very few recent Suffolk records. 

Birds Ringed: Blackbird 5, Blackcap 3, Brambling 4, Goldcrest 3, Great Tit 2, Jack Snipe 1, Robin 8, Song Thrush 4, Wren 1.