Saturday 9th April 2022

Slightly stronger winds today, led to an increase in bird movement, and species recorded, with 40 species noted for the first time in a while. A few chiffchaffs were still present, but we had a good representation from the corvids, with all the 5 common species being noted, including a jay that moved up and down the peninsula. First sandwich tern of the year was observed going north, and a yellowhammer was seen going south first thing. 

Ringing was slightly quieter than yesterday, with 5 birds ringed, though the diversity was good, with 5 different species accounted for, including a woodpigeon.

The moth traps produced a couple of common Quakers, though with the temperatures increasing next week, we expect the species recorded to improve also.

Ringing: 1 Blue Tit, 1 Chiffchaff, 1 Great Tit, 1 Linnet, 1 Wood Pigeon.

Friday 8th April 2022

A much calmer day today saw a few more migrants coming through. Not huge numbers but a definite influx of chiffchaffs, 2 marsh harriers heading south and even woodpigeons moving south.

A willow warbler sang sporadically in the compound, and one of the wheatears was still present on the point. The shelduck are staying stable at 8 birds, with a lot of displaying and posturing as they get closer to the breeding season. Linnets have come into the observatory grounds, laying claim to territory and fighting each other near constantly. 

Ringed birds: Chiffchaffs 5, House Sparrow 1, Linnet 3, Redwing 1.

Thursday 7th April 2022

An incredibly blustery day meant that migration monitoring was a struggle on all fronts. Still a few migrants present, with two new willow warblers, and 2 wheatears braving the wind on the point. A few birds passed south, most notably 2 Mediterranean gulls. Other than these, most observations were of the regular species.

Moth traps once again drew a blank, hardly a surprise given the strong winds.

Ringed birds: Chiffchaff 1, Willow Warbler 1 

Wednesday 6th April 2022


Draughty & showery morning with the first Redstart & 2 Willow Warbler of the spring arriving with a small selection of other migrants including 6 Mipit, 3 Chaffinch, 2 Chiffchaff & Fieldfare plus what are presumably the same 2 male Wheatear that arrived two days ago hanging around. Offshore southbound 18 Brent, 5 Common Gull, 3 Knot, 2 Greylags & Great Crested Grebe. Finally Black Red in front of the Fort & Purp on the point.

Male Muslin Moth right at the start of the flight period may well be waiting around for a couple of weeks before the first girlies come out to play.

Ringing: 1 Blue Tit, 1 Robin, 1 Willow Warbler.

Tuesday 5th April 2022

With a wind direction change, we were hopeful for a few migrants this morning. A few expected species early on, chiffchaffs, redwings and a blackcap. The two wheatear males remained on the point, as flighty as they were yesterday, and very aggressive to each other. Two male linnets in the nets were a sign of things to come later in the month when birds move into the compound to breed.

The undoubted highlight of the day however was a 2nd year male serin, the last bird caught today. There have only been 35 serins ringed (up until 2020) in Britain, and only 3 here at Landguard, of which this is the first male. 

The moth traps were starting to get busier as the temperature increases and a Twin-spotted Quaker was the first record here for 3 years. 

 Birds Ringed: Chiffchaff 3, Blackcap 1, Linnet 1, Serin 1, Redwing 2

Monday 4th April 2022

A blustery day with lots of rain showers. Finally the wind has changed and some migrants have arrived but we couldn't open nets today. Good observations were 2 red breasted merganser heading south, 2 wheatears on the point (at last) and a few chiffchaffs hanging around the compound. 

4th April is the second latest arrival of wheatears at Landguard, only surpassed by 2003 where they didn't turn up until the 13th! Earliest record was March 9th.

Moth traps turned up no moths and no birds were ringed.

Sunday 3rd April 2022

Continual northerly airflow with frosts is not helping migrants to arrive. This mornings selection included single Chiffchaff, Mipit, Redwing, Snipe plus a visiting Buzzard and, what is presumably, one of the adult male Black Redstart from recent days. 3 Siskin came in off & a Barnacle Goose flew south plus a Heron north offshore.

Ringing: 1 Chiffchaff, 1 Linnet.