Saturday 18th March 2023

Once again, it was a case of rain stops play, but when exactly? Forecasts were slightly more accurate, though only at the last minute. Before the rain, we did have some good observations, a woodlark heading south, chiffchaffs increased to 8 and a second female type black redstart turned up on the beach behind the observatory, feeding along the tideline, not a behaviour that's been seen here before. The male black redstarts from previous days seem to have moved on, but a second female type was also seen around the observatory grounds. Amongst the other birds moving past, a sand martin was the 3rd earliest record for the observatory out of only 11 other march records. 

Diurnea fagella is an early spring flyer and can be quite common in some years. 

Birds Ringed: Chiffchaff 4, Firecrest 1, Sparrowhawk 1.