Friday 17th March 2023

Despite a morning of rain, and not when it was forecast, we actually had a reasonable day of observations, with 40 species recorded during the day, including the first wheatear of the year in the evening. Two new chiffchaffs joined the one from yesterday and the firecrest was still around, as were 2 black redstarts. 14 shelduck was a leap up from previous days, and a return to the usual spring numbers, most were still present into the afternoon, unusually, but down to the lack of human visitors presumably. A 3rd year male sparrowhawk and a southward migrating marsh harrier were our raptors of the day. 20 chaffinch south was the only sign of finch migration, but also just notable from a species perspective given their continuing decline in Britain. 

It's a little early in the season for Dark Sword Grass, which is a migrant species probably arriving on the southerly breeze.

Birds Ringed: Chiffchaff 1.