Thursday 16th March 2023

A decent south wind produced a few notable migrants today. 2 male stonechats were out on the nature reserve along with 4 black redstarts, 3 male and 1 female type. Our first firecrest of the year was in the compound, along a chiffchaff. Small numbers of finches moving, 5 chaffinches and 3 greenfinches amongst the 32 linnet moving around the site. A magpie was showing some signs of spring by renovating an old nest, ringed plovers were calling on the beach and a discarded woodpigeons egg in the compound suggests that spring has arrived for some species. 

First Clouded Drab of the season, hopefully with some milder temperatures, more moths will start to appear.

Birds Ringed: Blackbird 1, Chiffchaff 1, Firecrest 1.