Friday 7th April 2023

Brisk north westerlies and a clear sky meant an incredibly quiet morning on the migrant front. Yesterday's hawfinch had moved on but there were 25 sanderling and 2 dunlin on the beach at the point, we haven't seen that much this year so far. Another firecrest, a female, was in the compound, and a yellowhamer and a brambling flew past the obs midmorning. A single wheatear was seen briefly early in the morning, and some of the regular observers finally caught up with their first swallows of the year, with 3 south and 2 north.


Red Chestnut is an early spring flyer, noted in just 10 of 33 years trapping here.

Birds Ringed: Blackcap 1, Chiffchaff 1, Firecrest 1, Linnet 1, Woodpigeon 1.