Thursday 6th April 2023

A drizzly start to the morning did produce some interesting migrants. A male hawfinch was present around the observatory until midday at least. Scarcer than this however was a green sandpiper that briefly touched down on a large puddle on the nature reserve, only our 3rd April record and 5th Spring record. After the rain cleared, a few passerine migrants started to move, having been grounded by the weather, 9 new blackcaps, 2 willow warblers and 3 chiffchaffs were in the trees, along with some long staying chaffinches and goldcrests. 103 siskin south were also notable, the most obvious finch species moving today, in numbers at least!

 Birds Ringed: Blackcap 3, Chiffchaff 3, Willow Warbler 2.