Friday 1st September 2023

A wet and cold start to the morning, with a slight south easterly wind picking up during the day. Whilst this seemed to mean a very quiet morning for passerines, it was good for seawatching. Our best day for skuas yet this year, with 9 arctic and 2 pomarine heading south along with 15 gannets, 130 teal and 11 common scoter before the skies cleared and the movement lessened. A couple of yellow wagtails went over, and a pied flycatcher was in the compound. 

Non seabird of the day though was a young cuckoo perched outside the kitchen for one lucky observer. We've had a better year for them, but they are still far from common here.

The Crescent is a very infrequent visitor here. Perhaps not surpsingly as wetlands are its preferred habitat.

Birds Ringed: Blackcap 1, Pied Flycatcher 1.