Saturday 2nd September 2023

A cloudy yet warm day seemed to be quite quiet at the start. However, plenty of birds were moving at sea, 181 teal, 2 arctic skuas, 2 great crested grebes, and 20 gannets moving south, with the latter moving north also. A few backcaps were trickling through the compound along with a handful of willow warblers, whitehtroats and a few more robins. 

Bird of the morning has to go to a 1st year wryneck at the OBs, the first ringed for the year andsecond observed. Scarcely had the excitement of this bird passed when an icterine warbler was found at the Butts, not far from where the aquatic warbler had been but it was sadly not rediscovered. 2 whinchats and 2 wheatears were also notable. 

First noted 6 years ago, Celypha rufana, now lives here in small numbers.

Birds Ringed: Blackcap 4, Robin 2, Whitethroat 1, Willow warbler 1, Wryneck 1.