Monday 2nd October 2023

A thick mist covered the reserve most of the morning. Despite this, or perhaps because of it, chiffchaffs and blackcaps were all over the site, with conservative totals of 30 blackcap and 40 chiffchaff. A spotted flycatcher was new in and spent a lot of time in the compound, feeding and bathing. A reed warbler was equally fresh in and perhaps less expected. 

We also had our fourth site record of the nationally rare, red listed Figure of Eight.

Birds Ringed: Blackcap 11. Blue Tit 2, Chiffchaff 17. Dunnock 1, Goldfinch 4, House Sparrow 1, Lesser Whitethroat 1, Linnet 3, Meadow Pipit 1, Reed Warbler 1, Robin 2, Spotted Flycatcher 1, Woodpigeon 1.