Tuesday 3rd October 2023

Strong winds and rain overnight didn't seem to stop a significant clear out of migrants. The spotted flycatcher remained in the compound, feeding despite the wind, but a lot of the chiffchaffs and blackcaps had left. Meadow pipit numbers were down and we haven't heard any redpolls moving in a couple of days. Two Cetti's warblers remain on the site, a new site 'record number'. We have done well for this species this year.  A trickle of swallows passed south throughout the morning.

Common Marbled Carpet was almost non-existent on its first emergence, and does not seem to be doing well on its late emergence either.

Birds Ringed: Blackcap 1, Blue Tit 1, Dunnock 1, Grey Wagtail 1, Wren 1.