Saturday 16th September 2023

A good morning for migration, for a few species. Up to 35 yellow wagtails and at least 11 grey were on or over the reserve this morning. Another whinchat was found, and a handful of migrant warblers. The tree sparrow reappeared, and possibly our earliest autumn record of Cetti's warbler was indulging in a bit of subsong and making its way down the the point and back during the morning. 50 house martin were a nice surprise, and they spent an hour feeding over the observatory and reserve. Meadow pipits are still going strong, with 67 on or moving through.

 Only the second site record of lesser wax moth, which lives in beehives.

Birds Ringed: Chiffchaff 3, Grey Wagtail 7, Meadow Pipit 9.

Friday 15th September 2023

Another hot morning, and quieter on the bird front. Meadow pipit numbers heading south were much more subdued at 11, with wheatear and wagtail numbers similarly low. Migrant warblers were thin on the ground, with blackcap the most numerous, as we might expect in September. 

This Sallow will be living on the poplars here.

Birds Ringed: Chiffchaff 1, Dunnock 1, Grey Wagtail 5, Meadow Pipit 1, Robin 1, Goldfinch 1. 


Thursday 14th September 2023


Meadow pipits are really getting into their migration stride with 484 passing through this morning, easily the largest movement so far. Wagtails have gone down to more modest numbers with 7 pied and 5 yellow on the reserve and 10 grey passing south. Wheatear numbers also remain low at 4 after their higha few days back. Most notable passerine migrant was a whinchat on the Butts today, through blackcap numbers are steadily building and a few willow warblers reminded us that they're still trickling through.

Black Rustic is another autumnal regular.

Birds Ringed: Blackcap 3, Chiffchaff 2, Great Tit 1, Grey Wagtail 2, Meadow Pipit 6, Willow Warbler 1. 

Wednesday 13th September 2023


Some fairly standard mid-September fare including 24 Mipit, 19 Yellow Wag, 6 Chiffchaff, 5 Grey Wag, 4 Blackcap, 2 Lesser 'throat, 2 Siskin, Hobby & Wheatear. Little visible movements with southbound 15 Swallow, 2 Spoonbill & Greenfinch plus 80 Mipit in off the sea late morning.

Feathered Ranunculus is a regular at light in low numbers at this time of the year.

Ringing: 2 Grey Wagtail, 1 Blackcap, 1 Chiffchaff, 1 Great Tit.

Tuesday 12th September 2023

A north wind and persistent drizzle meant observations were limited. Wheatear numbers have gone right down, with only 3 present after yesterdays 16, and warblers were nigh on secretive, with only a chiffchaff and 2 blackcaps giving themselves up throughout the morning. Wagtail numbers stayed high however, with all 3 species in double figures, 12 grey wagtail heading south the best day of the season for them. Yellow wagtails were up by 2 to 18, amongst 15 pied. 

Meadow pipits are slowly increasing, with 50 on site today.

First noted in 2000 L-Album Wainscot is now common with us.

Birds Ringed: Grey Wagtail 6, Magpie 1, Meadow Pipit 3, Robin 1. 


Monday 11th September 2023

A breeze from the west was very welcome in the sweltering heat. As the direction had changed we noticed a turnover in the migrants present on the reserve. Wheatear numbers increased from 1 yesterday to 15 today, yellow wagtails were still in double figures and meadow pipits are started to pass through in double figures. A garden warbler in the compound was the first for a while, and the willow warblers really seem to have given way to the chiffchaffs, with the latter outnumbering the former two to one. 

Western Conifer Seed Bug wanders at this time of year, turning up in moth traps. 

Convolvulus hawkmoth is a regular atumnal migrant here, though not in large numbers.

Birds Ringed: Blackcap 1, Blue Tit 1, Chiffchaff 5, Garden Warbler 1, Grey Wagtail 2. 




Removal of fencing erected to protect the botany & ground nesting birds is scheduled for this coming Tuesday 12th September at 0930 hrs. Shouldn't take long with plenty of time for some birding before or afterwards on the reserve. Please meet at the cottage.

If anyone is interesting in getting involved with any voluntary work on the nature reserve over the winter the Landguard Ranger will be present to speak to for further information.

Sunday 10th September 2023


Another hot sticky one. Migrants included 19 Yellow Wagtail, 6 Mipit, 3 Blackcap, 3 Whitethroat, 2 Chiffchaff, Grey Wag, Hobby, Pied Fly, Reed Warbler, Siskin, Spot Fly, Tree Sparrow, Wheatear, Whinchat, White Wag & Willow Warbler. Sound like not to many birds but when one throws in 250 Linnet, 250 Starling, 20 Pied Wag plus a few other bits n' bobs on the reserve then plenty to look through.

Worn, faded "bird-poo" lookalikes that are unfamiliar to us are enough to put anyone off moth identification. This is quite likely the first site record of the nationally scarce Notocelia incarnatana but, as there are only a couple of previous Suffolk records, second opinions will be sought. The artificial intelligence suggests that's what it is although the AI apps are not always correct - although they are learning and retaining the knowledge a lot quicker then I do these days ! 

Ringing: 1 Blackcap, 1 Blue Tit, 1 Chiffchaff, 1 Robin, 1 Willow Warbler.