Monday 18th March 2023

A sunny and calm day really felt like spring today. The first wheatears, 2 females, were recorded, as was our 3rd earliest swallow. The only earlier records for swallow were 17/03/05 and 14/03/17. A hen harrier south was an unusual march record for the observatory, and a male peregrine was our first in days. Chiffchaffs were clearly on the move with 15 recorded across the reserve, and 2 new robins upsetting the locals were fresh in. The Cetti's Warbler remains at the Butts and the rock pipit was still present near the tip and the wardens cottage. 

Butterflies were much in evidence today, along with mining and bumblebees. A cracking male Brimstone and 2 Commas were first records for the year.

This Oak Nycteoline will have overwintered as an adult. They are scarce here at LBO and usually non-existent in spring.

Birds Ringed: Blackbird 1, Chiffchaff 10, Dunnock 1, Goldfinch 2, Redwing 1, Robin 2.