Tuesday 19th March 2023

Wind picked up today, but spring was still in the air, with the first two black redstarts and first grey wagtail of the year. A shag flew south early doors, and shelduck numbers were up to 7. One wheatear was on the reserve. Other signs of spring have been the constant singing and fighting of many species, with 9 crows fighting up and down the reserve, occasionally upsetting the local magpie pairs who join in occasionally. This is due to an influx of young crows attempting to usurp the territories of the local pairs and being seen off in no uncertain fashion. A lot of the other species are singing their hearts out, checking out nesting sites and bringing in nest material. The local magpies are extending their already sizeable nest into a veritable Fort Knox, in response to the aggression of the crows. It's always good to see the breeding efforts, though the colder weather later in the week may dampen their spirits. 

Birds Ringed: Blackbird 1, Chiffchaff 5, Great Tit 1, Grey Wagtail 1, Robin 1, Woodpigeon 2.