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Monday 13th May 2024

A handful of new migrants managed to trickle in today, including the years first pied and spotted flycatchers. The latter appeared to move on almost instantly, but the pied flycatcher stuck around all morning. The first spring ringing record for pied flycatcher in over three years. Some new whitethroats were also moving through, but other warblers were thin on the ground, with a single chiffchaff and willow warbler and the local lesser whitethroats being noted. 

We haven't had regular visits from peregrines for almost a year, so a pair hunting a feral pigeon in tandem over the observatory was notable.

Moth numbers are increasing, pretty slowly compared to previous years but it will only get better as the year warms up. Poplar Hawkmoths are always popular.

Birds Ringed: Linnet 1, Pied Flycatcher 1.