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Saturday 18th May 2024

A cloudy morning with a brisk northerly wind soon burned off into one of the hottest days so far this year. Still a few migrants passing through, though the passage is winding down. A ring ouzel on the reserve was a nice surprise, though as the day wore on it became more and more elusive before disappearing. this is the second latest spring ring ouzel we've had, with the only later one being on 23/05/87. Singles of wheatear, willow warbler, chiffchaff and blackcap were fresh in.

The baby bird season is starting. The first young linnet was recorded today, along with yet more starlings and a few more fledgling blackbirds, though nowhere near as much  of the latter as we expected. Great tits are feeding young in the observatory compound, we expect them to fledge soon.  

Another good day for insects, with plenty of butterflies on the wing and some emerging broad-bodied chaser dragonflies in the Observatory pond. 

Eyed Hawkmoth is infrequently with us as it lives mostly on willows, sallows and apple trees.

Birds Ringed: Blackbird 1, Blackcap 1, Chiffchaff 1, Grey Wagtail 1, Linnet 1, Willow Warbler 1.