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Blackbird Ringing Study

Blackbird populations on the near continent have been devastated by the Usutu Virus which is spread by mosquitos. The disease has recently been recorded in the UK.

Landguard Bird Observatory is contributing to a study to help understand the potential impacts of Usutu Virus on Blackbird populations. The initial stages of the study will be looking at the survival rates of the breeding population of adults, survival rates of juveniles in the period after fledging and the turnover rates of birds prior to & following the breeding season.

The resident birds & their young will be given individually marked colour rings to identify individuals. This is where your help is needed - if you see a colour tagged Blackbird at Landguard (or anywhere else) please try and read the combination or photograph the ring & send details/photo/location to to assist with the monitoring.

Further information on Usutu Virus is available on the web including -