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Monday 2nd September 2024

Calmer conditions held the promise of unusual records today, and for once it held true. A year to the day that we ringed our last wryneck, we caught another 1st year in the observatory compound. Amongst a handful of other migrants, a garden warbler, 2 blackcaps, a willow warbler and lesser whitethroat was another star bird, only the 5th September record of wood warbler, another 1st year bird. A whinchat was out on the reserve as were 10 wheatears, the highest number of the species we've had this autumn. 84 swallow, 4 sand and 7 house martin were a reasonable count of hirundines heading south, and 141 teal trickled south throughout the morning. A Purple Sandpiper was on the jetty mid morning.

A mass emergence of Agriphila geniculea saw 2000+ in the moth traps and probably ten times that number on the reserve.

Birds Ringed: Blackcap 2, Garden Warbler 1, Lesser Whitethroat 1, Reed Warbler 1, Robin 3, Willow Warbler 1, Wood Warbler 1, Wryneck 1.