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Friday 25th October 2024

More south easterlies brought in a nice selection of regular migrants along with a couple of tristis chiffchaffs, one of which paid a visit to the observatory. 8 goldcrests were mostly new birds, though a firecrest was one that's been here a while. Some common chiffchaff were new in along with 6 song thrush. 6 lesser redpoll flew south, along with 5 meadow pipits, 19 starling, 3 stock dove, 19 chaffinch and 11 goldfinch. Out to sea the highlight was a great northern diver heading south, along with 5 pintail, 75 wigeon, 6 teal and 16 shelduck.  2 snipe headed south, a rock pipit and a purple sandpiper were on the jetty and 2 lapwing were briefly on the reserve. 

Only a couple of Dotted Chestnut have been noted here previously.

Birds Ringed: Blackbird 2, Chiffchaff 2, tristis Chiffchaff 1, Goldcrest 2, Great Tit 1, Robin 6, Song Thrush 4.