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Friday 4th October 2024

Slightly slower on the migration front today, despite good conditions and a promising wind. However, the conditions did produce the observatories first (overdue) yellow-browed warbler of the year, a 1st year bird that was much more obliging than last years bird was, being pretty easy to find in the brief moments it wasn't on view. Yet more goldcrests were fresh in, a welcome sight of a species we have really struggled for in the last few years. A few more new robins, dunnocks and chiffchaffs in, though they have slowed down in recent days. A jay was briefly present, the first we've had in some time, though typically elusive. A skylark headed north, and 11 meadow pipits were present on the reserve as were a couple of blackcaps, though their numbers have fallen since earlier in the week. Finch numbers are down, with only 1 brambling, 3 chaffinch and 30 goldfinch joining the linnet flock, which is down to 80 today. 

Beaded Chestnut is an early October regular in small numbers. 

Birds Ringed: Chiffchaff 3, Dunnock 2, Goldcrest 7, Robin 2, Wren 2, Yellow-browed Warbler 1.