Saturday 20th October 2012

Another busy Saturday with just short of 100 birds ringed, a bit of variety too keeping our visitors from FSC happy. A dose more thrushes in with 20 Redwing, 50 Song Thrush and 54 Blackbirds. A few Starlings coming on off the sea later on joining the flock of around 250 already in residence. On the move 800 Goldfinches, 20 Pied Wags, 170 Wood Pigs, 180 Chaffinches, 24 Skylark, 3 Woodlark, 2 Reed Buntings and 34 Swallows. On site 3 Firecrest, Brambling, 2 Blackcap, Snipe and a lone Wheatear.

Ringing: 28 Greenfinch, 18 Lesser Redpoll, 11 Robins, 9 Chaffinch, 7 Blackbird, 6 Song Thrush, 6 Meadow Pipit, 6 Goldcrest, 2 Redwing, 2 Goldfinch, Chiffchaff, Grey Wagtail, Wood Pigeon and Jay = 99

Friday 19th October 2012

Despite some early morning shenanigans, with the predicted rain coming and going, a few new birds were ringed. Primarily in the finch department with 21 Lesser Redpoll, 14 Greenfinch and 6 Chaffinch. also making an appearance were Gold and Firecrest accompanied by a lonely Robin.

Amongst the Redpolls was this handsome chap

Elsewhere it was pretty quiet with a few early morning thrushes including a Ring Ouzel, the odd gang of Siskins and Mipits, 2 Firecrests, 3 Goldcrests, 9 Swallows, Snipe, Black Redsart and a solitary Reed Bunting. Non avian sightings included a couple of Grey Seal and a smart looking, if miniscule, snail. Any suggestions on species from Gastropod enthusiasts welcome!

Thursday 18th October 2012

Goldfinches were most obviously on the move this morning with over 400 heading through. 80 Siskin headed South too, along with a handful of Meadow Pipits and the odd Swallow. At least 2 Firecrests were on site amongst half a dozen Goldcrests and a few of the usual thrushes.. An adult male Ring Ouzel Trapped at dawn was an overdue addition to the autumns ringing totals, and was joined by a few Goldies and Greenfinches. A Jay dropped in in the afternoon followed by a band of angry tits and finches, both male and female Sparrowhawks were also hanging around most of the day.

Ring Ouzel

Ringing totals: Greenfinch 16, Goldfinch 8, Chaffinch 4, Blackbird 4, Goldcrest 2, Ring Ouzel, Redwing, Song Thrush, Wren, Blue Tit, Robin and a lone Blackcap = 41

Wednesday 17th October 2012

The gale & rain subsided not long after dawn to reveal very little. Ring Ouzel & a couple of thrushy types new in with both Fire & Goldcrest left over from recent days. A Rock Pipit and a dead juvenile Gannet was near the point with a Reed Bunting by the Butts pond. c.100 Greenies are feeding along the beach just above the tide line at the moment. A handful of Goldies, Skylarks & Swallows started moving south as the weather got better. Offshore movements dire. Hard work - but then again we are used to hard work !

Tuesday 16th October 2012

Hard work in the strong winds today. Very few birds on the move, the highlight being a large falcon species having a good go at a Brent Goose in the estuary. Nothing notable heading by apart from a Shag and a couple of Kittiwake close in. The long staying Firecrest still remained along with a single new Goldcrest. New in the moth Traps were Autumnal Rustic and Yellow-line Quaker. Late news of a Swallow x House Martin Hybrid briefly on site last Tuesday 9th October.

Swallow/House Martin hybrid (Adam Scott Kennedy)

Ringing: Greenfi ch 3, Chaffinch 2, Goldcrest, Blackbird and Song Thrush.

Monday 15th October 2012

Still a few Redpolls on the move with 12 ringed and a 3rd control in as many days. A bunch of 90 Greenfinches fed out on the shingle along with a few Goldfinches and Chaffs. 2 Rock Pipits headed over along with 3 Mistle thrush, half a dozen Siskin, 2 Skylark, a Grey Wag and 5 Rook. One of the PEregrines was up on the dock crane making the most of its favoured perch as the 2 other old cranes are dismantled below. A Firecrest ringed 6 days ago was retrapped showing just how well these little guys can hide up when the want to!

Ringing: Redpoll 12, Chaffinch 8, Greenfinch 4, Blackcap 2, Great Tit 2, Blue Tit 2, Chiffchaff, Goldcrest and Meadow Pipit = 33

Yesterdays Yellow-browed Warbler (Allan King)

Sunday 14th October 2012

A Yellow-browed Warbler was the star of the show this morning, feeding amongst the Holm Oaks for a few hours before disappearing. Migration was much reduced on yesterday with only a sparse selection of species. 60 Each of Chaffinch and Greenfinch headed South with 220 Goldfinch, a couple of House Martins, 40 Linnet, 15 Mipits, 5 each of Reed Bunting, Skylark and Stock Dove and  a dozen Swallow.

Ringing amounted to 37 birds: Lesser Redpoll 11, Chiffchaff 5, Chaffinch 5, Song Thrush 3, Goldcrest 3, Blackbird 2, Great Tit 2, Meadow Pipit, Wren, Blackcap, Blue Tit, Robin and Greenfinch.