Saturday 17th November 2012

Plagued by the dreaded mist & fog this morning that cleared 10ish to produce a hundred or so assorted ducks south plus a few waders including a Purp & 3 close Gannets (mind you if they weren't close we wouldn't have seen them in the murk). 7 Eiders going north will be birds coming in from the continent  heading for sites like the north Norfolk coast to winter. A Woodlark came in from the north-east before moving off inland over the docks. Ringing was a waste of time producing just 1 new Blacky. 15 Turnstone on the beaches is indicative of the time of the year with the reserve producing little else of note.

Friday 16th November 2012

244 Siskin going south is a hearty count for this, or any other, time of the year. Also going south 21 Goldies, 10 Starlings & 3 Mipits. Just prior to 0900hrs it was impressive to see a flock of at least 30 Blackies, 35 Redwing, 16 Fieldfare & 6 Songies fall out of the sky to join those already on site. Ringing wise new Blackies just squeezed into double figures plus a couple of new Songies, Greeny & a Goldcrest. It really is about time in the autumn for the Goldcrest passage to finish - but odd ones still keep on coming ! A Woodcock was on the reserve but little else of note. Offshore fairly tedious with a handful of Brents, 9 Wigeon, 3 Gadwal & a Tufted going past. Finally a partially oiled Red-throated Diver went into the river which is not what you want to see. Finally, although the moth traps are getting very few moths, it isn't stopping the odd Silver Y, Diamond-back & Dark Sword Grass putting in an appearance.

Thursday 15th November 2012

My final day at Landguard thankfully turned up a few birds to give me a good send off. Though surrounded by fog not much was on the move other than a couple of Brents, the odd Meadow Pipit, 3 Siskins and a handful of Goldfinches. Coming in of the sea were a bunch of 50 Starlings and 14 Skylark. A few thrushes around early morning mostly Blackbirds but a couple of Fieldfare, Redwing and Song Thrush mixed in for good measure. Ringing produced a nice selection of migrants including a Blackcap, 3 Robins, another Jay and 5 Lesser Redpolls, 2 of the latter being controls. The Last bird of the day should probably be far far away by now so hopefully he will make the journey.

Juvenile Swallow
Ringing: 17 Blackbird, 3 Lesser Redpoll, 3 Robin, Swallow, Blue Tit, Jay, Goldcrest, Chaffinch and Blackcap = 29


Wednesday 14th November 2012

Mist descending into thick fog not long after dawn only now clearing as i write this waffle. Worth a mention was a flock of 55 Siskins that paid us a visit & a Golden Plover calling in the fog. A handful of new birds ringed including single Blacky, Robin, Chaff, Goldcrest, Sparrowhawk, Lesser Redpoll plus two British control Lesser Redpolls. Considering the thick fog that's a reasonable return on the time put in. Not a lot else to report although a couple of Redwings & Fieldfares are knocking about and the elusive Water Rail is still calling from the same patch of bushes it has frequented for several days.

Tuesday 13th October 2012

Pretty quiet again this morning but a couple of new things were learned: 1) Water Rails have no interest in eating tinned haggis - The ligering one shunning my offering of it this morning, 2) A good way to see Grey Wagtails here is to turn off the tape lure, immediately after doing so one with magically appear. We did manage to ring a few birds this morning however, 7  in total: 2 Blackbird, 2 Greenfinch, 1 Goldfinch, 1 Chaffinch and a Lesser Redpoll. Also amongst them was the Dutch Robin caught a couple of weeks ago so perhaps he is planning on staying the winter. Movement was restricted to 40 odd Siskins, 10 Mipits, 3 Red-throated Diver, 3 Skylark, 10 Brents and a couple of Great-crested Grebes. A Phalarope species was seen to land a fair distance offshore but did not show itself well enough for identification. The only other sighting of note was a somewhat shabby Common Darter resting on one of the nets

Monday 12th November 2012

A Barn Owl was flying around just after 0600hrs but not found subsequently - this is the 2nd one here this autumn of a species we don't record annually. Typical mid-November fare here today with a handful of new Blackies, Chaffs, Lesser Redpolls plus single new Dunnock, Goldcrest & Woodcock on site. It's always good to ring Woodcock as the recovery rate on them is very good due to them being a quarry species. Vis mig still apparent with 55 Chaffs, 16 Goldies, 7 Greenies, 5 Siskin, 3 Mipits, Reed Bunting & Waxwing going south. Loitering on site a couple of Redwing, Fieldfare & Brambling. Offshore a handful of Brents, Common Scoter, Wigeon & Black-heads trickled south. Also paying a visit was a Western Conifer Seed-bug - once again this was walking around the main observation area having presumably been attracted to the moth light nearby.

Sunday 11th November 2012

Glorious sunny morning. Waxwing, Jay & Brambling paid us a brief visit. A handful of new Blackies, Songies & a new Goldcrest on site. Finchs moving south in small numbers including Goldies, Greenies, Siskins & Lesser Redpolls with the Redpoll ringing squeezing into double figures. Skylarks also coming in off the sea & going south in small numbers. A Jackdaw went north & it is suspected that an additional Little Owl is still knocking about as one was on the reserve away from the regular pair's perches. Finally a pair of Peregrines are still around the old crane on Landguard Terminal - the other 2 old cranes having been demolished.