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Monday 16th September 2024

Another slight change in the weather and another interesting species that hasn't visited here in 4 years. Late morning a 1st year Red-breasted Flycatcher was found in the Observatory compound. Interestingly it had a Danish ring, which makes it one of only 4 foreign ringed RB Flycatchers to be processed in Britain, and quite probably the first Danish ringed bird. It stuck around the observatory well into the evening, pleasing the few late observers who turned up to pay their regards. 

Aside from this, it was a relatively quiet morning, with singles of pied flycatcher, purple sandpiper, rock pipit, yellow wagtail and wheatear around the reserve and a small movement of chiffchaffs and great tits passing through. 

First noted in 2007, Cypress Pug is now annual here, wandering down here from ornamental conifers.

Birds Ringed: Blackcap 2, Chiffchaff 3, Dunnock 1, Great Tit 3, Grey Wagtail 1, Meadow Pipit 1, Whitethroat 1, Wren 1.