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Tuesday 17th September 2024

A quieter morning was full of promise with a good wind direction and cloud the previous night. At least 2 pied flycatchers were present in the compound with a spotted flycatcher feeding in the holm oaks at the front of the observatory, though yesterdays red-breasted flycatcher was not refound.  A tree pipit was new in, but the best bird of the day was a 1st year barred warbler, the first seen here in over 3 years. The lucky observers present were very pleased to see this scarce visitor. 

Insects have had an odd year, with many species in much lower numbers than usual, perhaps due to the wet spring weather. An example of this is the presence of only 5 wasps in the moth traps despite 6 months of nightly trapping. 

Birds Ringed: Barred Warbler 1, Blue Tit 1, Chiffchaff 3, Great Tit 1, Meadow Pipit 2, Willow Warbler 1.