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Saturday 19th October 2024

A wet morning, with a reasonable southerly wind meant movement was in trickles rather than waves, though the latter is rare these days anyway. 3 siskin flew west, 3 skylark flew south with 2 snipe, 14 dunlin and 17 meadow pipit. Out to sea it was mostly a duck movement, with 33 wigeon, 28 teal, a shelduck, a goldeneye and 7 common scoter all flying south. Still one firecrest present behind the kitchen and a few thrushes still on site, including 2 redwing. The only warblers recorded today were the ones who broadcast their presence, 3 Cetti's warblers.

Aganopteryx arenella can appear at any time as it hibernates in the buildings. 

Birds Ringed: Great Tit 1.