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Thursday 17th October 2024

Much calmer weather today saw a lot more movement, and the return of some species we haven't seen for a while. 3 black redstarts were the first of these, flying together past the observatory. It's been a poor year for this species here in general, and autumn in particular, so it's nice to see them. 2 merlin were a notable highlight of the day, with one sitting on the beach eating an unforunate passerine, possibly a skylark. 7 Cetti's warblers were noted around the reserve, which is a significant leap from the 2-3 usually recorded, though hardly any wind and reasonable conditions make it a little easier for recording. 774 goldfinch flew south, our best number of the autumn so far, along with 40 skylark, 2 woodlark, 16 chaffinch and 39 meadow pipits.

Out to sea 97 brent geese flew south along with  a single goldeneye, 2 red-breasted mergansers, 105 wigeon, 94 cormorant and a great crested grebe. 

Thrushes were still some of the most active of migrants, with 24 redwing, 18 song thrush and 20 blackbird present just around the observatory. 

First Dark Chestnut of the autumn which is a species that flies all winter. 

Birds Ringed: Blackbird 5, Blackcap 1, Chiffchaff 2, Firecrest 1, Great Tit 1, Robin 5, Song Thrush 4, Woodpigeon 1, Wren 2.