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Friday 13th September 2024

With the continuing blustery north westerly winds, the more interesting migrants remaining after the weekends influx have slowly trickled away. A single pied flycatcher and common redstart remained around the holm oaks of the observatory, along with a scattering of phylloscopus warblers, mainly chiffchaffs, and a couple of blackcaps. A tree pipit flew south as did a paltry 7 meadow pipits. The two purple sandpipers remained on the point, along with a turnstone, though they were elusive for some. A common snipe was a more unusual and very autumnal record, that headed north very swiftly. 

Setaceous Hebrew Character is one of the few hardy species coming to the moth trap in the current cold and windy overnight conditions. 

Birds Ringed: Blackcap 1, Chiffchaff 5, Grey Wagtail 1, Robin 1, Willow Warbler 1.