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Tuesday 10th September 2024

Another blustery morning kept a lot of the migrants in place. However, despite much searching, yesterdays Ortolan bunting and Icterine warbler were not refound. Still some flycatchers around with 2 of each of pied and spotted in the sheltered areas of holm oaks. A single redstart was up at the Butt's, and singles of merlin, hobby and spoonbill went through. Hirundine numbers were relatively reasonable considering the paucity of all 3 species this year, with 68 swallows joining 49 house martin and 3 sand martin heading south.

Carnation Tortrix has only been noted a few times this year.

Birds Ringed: Blackcap 1, Chiffchaff 3, Sparrowhawk 1, Willow Warbler 3.