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Friday 27th September 2024

Wet and windy conditions actually proved a nice day for vis mig, though it started slowly. Out to sea, the only movement of note was 113 gannet south. Over the reserve however, it was a little more lively, with 292 swallow moving south with 184 house martin and 26 meadow pipit. The hirundines weren't just heading south, with the majority of the house martins (325) heading north along with 28 of the swallows. A single swift also headed north, the first recorded here in over a month. 2 kestrels were joined by 2 hobbies, a yellow wagtail moved south and 7 wheatear were on the reserve along with a redstart and stonechat. Chiffchaffs and blackcaps were still the most abundant warblers, though 1 whitethroat braved the conditions as well. A male brambling was also seen on the reserve, the first record for the autumn.

Feathered Ranunculus is putting in an appearance most nights recently.