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Thursday 26th September 2024

Wind and intermittent showers didn't dampen the actions of migrants today, with chiffchaffs still being the most abundant warbler onsite, though in lower numbers than yesterday. Blackcaps were also in double figures, and yesterdays stonechat was either joined by a male, or two new birds had come in. A redstart was out on the reserve, a ring ouzel was seen flying south and a fieldfare was heard briefly. 40 house martin headed south along with 57 swallow and a single sand martin. Meadow pipit numbers were reasonable, with 85 noted throughout the morning. A rock pipit joined a turnstone on the jetty and a spotted flycatcher was in the holm oaks at the front of the observatory, perhaps the last we'll see this year?

Deep-brown Dart is a typical end of September emerging species we have in small numbers. 

Birds Ringed: Blackcap 2, Chiffchaff 12.