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Tuesday 24th September 2024

Another typical autumn day, wind and intermittent rain. Still some migrants present however, a 1st year yellow wagtail out on the reserve is probably an individual that has been here for a few days, though it could be new. 3 wheatears are around the reserve as were 35 meadow pipits, a reed warbler, 9 chiffchaffs and 4 blackcaps. The local Cetti's warblers have been joined by some dispersing birds so the reserve is alive with the sounds of Cetti's song, though in a variety of competencies. 1 Brent goose and 1 teal south were a poor showing out to sea after the previous days visible migration. 


Four-spotted Footman is an immigrant or a wanderer here. 

Birds Ringed; Blackcap 1, Chiffchaff 2, Dunnock 1, Grey Wagtail 1, Meadow Pipit 1, Sparrowhawk 1.