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Saturday 13th January 2018

Only 17 Cormorant seen this morning so either a cull was taking place yesterday evening at the roost site or they totally gave us a miss going out. A brief sea watch produced south bound 10 Kitts & north bound 7 Wigeon, 4 Red-throated Diver & a Brent Goose. A quick wander around the reserve was very much "same old same old" and not a lot of it to be honest.

Ringing: 1 Song Thrush.

Friday 12th January 2018

2,362 Cormorants went out almost on mass this morning and then a big cheer as the sun came out to give us a rarity in recent days - clear blue skies which is enough to improve anyone's mood after the dull, damp dreary and frankly depressing weather conditions of recent days. Offshore southbound 6 Red-throated Diver & a Brent with northbound 11 Red-throats & 4 Brent plus at least 4 Red-throats on the sea. On site 19 Linnet, 9 Greenfinch, 3 Fieldfare, 3 Mipit, Bullfinch & a Skylark heading south. Last century Linnet were almost unknown here in mid-winter but how times have changed with climatic amelioration. January Bullfinch records are as rare as hens teeth in recent times with this one being the first since 1993 - back in the 1980's up to 1988 Bullfinch were noted regularly in the mid-winter period but this is just another example of the present status of a once common species in the British countryside. Finally the Purple Sandpiper reappeared along the river bank for the first time this year (bet it hasn't been far away).

Thursday 11th January 2018

Another dull misty, murky morning with occasional drizzle. 2,416 Cormorants went out to sea to feed but were late on parade due to the weather conditions delaying daylight. The Rock Pipit was noted on the point for the first time this year & 2 Fieldfare were on the reserve.

Recent Ringing Recoveries

Redwing ringed Landguard 4th November 2017 retrapped 207 km away at Coleshill, Swindon, Wilts on 16th December 2017. Starling ringed Landguard 4th July 2017 retrapped 15 km away in Ipswich 7th December 2017.

Wednesday 10th January 2018

On the move southbound 98 Brents, 16 Common Scoter, 7 Kitts, 2 Teal, 1 Great-crested Grebe, 1 Red-throated Diver, 1 Pintail & 1 Red-breasted Merganser with northbound 19 Brent, 10 Red-throats & an Oyk. 2,317 Cormorant went out fishing early on. On site 6 Fieldfare & 2 Redwing came in from the north-east mid-morning departing inland over the docks an hour later.

Tuesday 9th January 2018

2 Goldeneye flying past is good to get on the year list as in 2017 we didn't see the first one of the year until mid-November ! What little else noted moving was southbound 19 Brent, 3 Shelduck, & 2 Wigeon plus northbound 12 Brent & 3 Red-throated Diver. 2,038 Cormorants went out fishing & on the reserve on a dull cool morning worth a mention are 7 Fieldfare & a Lapwing.

Ringing: 1 House Sparrow

Monday 8th January 2018

Must be colder somewhere as 3 Lapwing & 4 Fieldfare on site this morning. 2,442 Cormorants headed out fishing this morning which is the best count for a while. Offshore still hard work with southbound 4 Brent, 3 Kitts, Shelduck & Eider with northbound 8 Brent, 5 Common Scoter & Curlew.

Sunday 7th January 2018

More time spent sea watching than it really deserved in a ENE gale. Southbound 13 Teal, 11 Wigeon, 9 Red-throated Diver, 6 Brent, 2 Shelduck & 2 Mallard with northbound 18 Kitts, 9 Brent, 3 Red-throats & 3 drake Eider. Fieldfare around the compound but no one has trudged around the bulk of the reserve in this cold wind.