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Saturday 13th June 2020

Another similar day to yesterday, with migrants thin on the ground. Its safe to say the doldrums of summer have arrived but we may still get lucky yet?

On the land 4 Swallows headed south, while on the sea there was a bit more activity. A Fulmar and 3 Curlew headed south, while 3 Sandwich terns headed noisily north and 2 Little Terns loitered off the beach.

In the moth trap this morning was Tinagma ocnerostromella, a tiny nationally scarce species, who larvae feed on Viper's Bugloss which limits where it is likely to be found.

Ringing: 4 Blue Tit, 1 Great Tit

Friday 12th June 2020

A rather misty morning with a strong north east blowing.

Again it was a rather quiet day, with a Chiffchaff being the only migrant noted throughout the morning.

Sea watching was rather limited due to the mist but a 2 Fulmar headed south and 4 Sandwich Terns were seen.

The Moth Trap was rather better with a Beautiful Marbled caught. They were first noted in 2012 as an occasional immigrant but may have become a coloniser. Its food plant is Thistle which is abundant at Landguard.

Thursday 11th June 2020

A variable wind this morning ranging from north northeast to east south east with plenty of drizzle and rain first thing.

Another morning with little in the bushes. Vis mig was pretty good with 4 Crossbills dropping into the Poplars out the back of the fort before flying north again. The bad weather also brought 22 Swift heading north and 2 Fulmars and 3 Sandwich Terns headed out of the river and over fort before heading Northwards.

On the sea 9 Barnacle Geese and a Grey Heron headed south and a Kittiwake headed north.

In the traps this morning was a rather fresh Eyed Hawk-moth, a species which only occurs here on a couple occasions each year.

Wednesday 10th June 2020

Pied Wags are feeding well on the reserve at the moment.

Spits & spots of rain on & off all morning. 14 Crossbill heading south early morning gaining height over the point before disappearing into the cloud. Nightingale was a surprise catch as we have failed to record one this spring. Southbound 13 Black-headed Gull, Curlew & Golden Plover concludes this mornings offerings in the migrant department.

Rustic Shoulder-knot is an occasional visitor to our traps and is one of these species that does better in urban parks & gardens than down here.

Ringing: 2 Blue Tit, 2 Linnet, 1 Dunnock, 1 Great Tit, 1 Nightingale, 1 Starling.

Tuesday 9th June 2020

A cold clear start with the wind shifting round from the north to the south east over the course of the morning.

With a flock of 80 Starlings appearing on the Reserve this morning, it wasn't that unexpected that they were joined by a rosy friend from the east. A rather smart adult Rose-coloured Starling was feeding with the gathered flock, briefly perched in the Tamarisk at the southern end of the obs, before eventually flying high over the river into Essex.

The only other migrant on the deck was a Reed Warbler singing in front of the Ob. Vis mig included 2 Coal Tits, 2 Swift, 3 Barnacle Geese and a Swallow. One of the pairs of Lesser Whitethroat has had some success with 3 recently fledged young ringed.

Common Wainscot is a common species that occurs at Landguard only in low numbers.

Ringing: 5 Great Tit, 3 Lesser Whitethroat, 1 Blue Tit, 1 Dunnock

Monday 8th June 2020

A day of drizzle, light showers and a cold north westly wind with little of note.

A Grey Heron headed west and a group of 22 male Common Scoter headed north out to sea while the local breeders have remained rather quiet except for those with fledglings such as the Dunnocks, Linnets and Starlings.

An Aethes beatricella was caught in the traps last night, its food plants are listed as Hemlock and Alexanders so its unlikely to go hungry at Landguard!

Sunday 7th June 2020

Many more Fulmar sightings this year than in recent times although they are just as likely to be over the estuary as out to sea.

Migration has largely ground to a halt. Southbound 33 Black-headed Gull, 4 Med Gull, Gannet, Jackdaw, Shelduck & Swift.

The Shears is apparently a common species but it is noted less than annually here.

Ringing: 2 Linnet, 1 Wood Pigeon.