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Saturday 28th January 2023

Flat calm conditions all morning is a bit odd here. 1,163 Cormorant went out fishing early on plus 530 more in from the north to the fishing grounds later on. Offshore southbound 295 Red-throated Diver & 2 Shelduck with northbound 7 Brent. Another Shelduck was siting on the river. Whilst scanning through the gulls in the harbour behind us a Black-necked Grebe was noticed fishing by the confluence of the Orwell & Stour about 3 miles up the Haven roughly straight out from where the old Dooley terminal is looking towards Harwich if one was in the docks. It was present for several hours and may well have only been seen as a result of the low tide in the "mill pond" like conditions having presumably drifted down one of the two river systems.

Friday 27th January 2023


10 Red-legs have survived the winter so far.

1,482 Cormorant headed out fishing early on. Offshore southbound 22 Red-throated Diver & a Brent Goose with northbound 5 Red-throats. Rock Pipit was on the point again. A new Blacky was feeding on the apples in the Heligoland trap although it quite probably hadn't come from far away to get here. 

Ringing: 1 Blackbird. 

Thursday 26th January 2023


1,420 Cormorant headed out fishing en masse early on. Heading north 12 Brent & 7 Red-throated Diver plus a Great Crested Grebe headed into the river. A Ringed Plover on the beach in the milder conditions will be local male checking on his patch. With the ground defrosted & soaking wet following yesterday evenings rain the local Blackies & Robins are back out foraging in the open areas rather than skulking under the bushes. 

Wednesday 25th January 2023


Tide very low first thing. 1,310 Cormorant headed out fishing first thing. Rock Pipit on the point is the first here since mid-December. A Fieldfare flew high south early on & a Stock Dove paid a visit (which is quite possibly the same individual seen a couple of times in the last month). Fog descended by mid-morning. 

Tuesday 24th January 2023

 Benign, but cold, conditions. Single Song Thrush is the best of a paltry set of sightings this morning.

Monday 23rd January 2023

Better coverage than yesterday but still nothing much to report. The lack of what we once considered common birds in the recording area is a tad concerning. Offshore a couple of Red-throated Diver, 11 Kitts following ships plus a Great Crested Grebe fishing with a census of the site coming up with very little at all.

Sunday 22nd January 2023

 Brief visit - nothing to report.