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Friday 12th July 2024

A cooler morning as the wind had switched to a northerly. One of yesterdays great spotted woodpeckers, or perhaps a new one, was flying about the reserve before finally heading back towards Felixstowe. A marsh harrier flying south was the first of the 'autumn', but not the only raptor present today, with a sparrowhawk playing havoc with the ever increasing starling flock. A Cetti's warbler sang briefly from the observatory compound, after having gone very quiet since the two juveniles were encountered last month. A single greenfinch may or may not be the one we've been recording almost daily for a few weeks. A new wren brood was active in the Obs compound, and the first juvenile blackbird seen in weeks was balancing precariously on the telegraph lines. 

Pempelia genistella is a nationally scarce species living on gorse.

Birds Ringed: Wren 2.