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Friday 26th July 2024

A far more interesting day than most this month. First 4 juvenile willow warblers were moving through and 2 black redstarts were out on the reserve. Other warblers were making themselves known with 6 lesser whitethroats, a juvenile whitethroat, a Cetti's and chiffchaff also recorded, not great numbers yet but makes a change from the previous weeks of mediocre observations. Two juvenile blackbirds were also welcome visitors, as the number of fledged young we've encountered at all this year is not even in double figures. Wren juveniles are still popping out of the scrub, and a young robin was probably dispersing from up in town.

A brown hawker dragonfly was the first record of this species this year and a female emperor was ovipositing into the observatories emplacement pond, hopefully we'll have some juveniles emerge next year.   

Ground Lackey is a nationally scarce species from saltmarsh, which regularly visits.

Birds Ringed: Blackbird 2, Great Tit 1, Robin 1, Willow Warbler 2, Wren 3.