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Monday 10th February 2025


Raw weather conditions with a chilly ENE wind with occasional drizzle reminding one that the East coast can be bleak in the winter. Offshore & in the river 1,500 seagulls following shipping with 11 Kitts the best one could muster with a distinct lack of Greater Black-backs amongst the melee. Whilst gull watching northbound 2 Common Scoter & 2 Gannet. Not sure why a Redwing turned up today & even less sure why a Buzzard was not only here but went into the Helgoland trap. Buzzard has only been annual at LBO in the last ten years, as the species has increased across East Anglia, & we only have four previous February records (with one of them a tideline corpse 30 years ago).

Ringing: 1 Buzzard, 1 Redwing.