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Tuesday March 18th 2025


Easterly winds today brought 2 Woodlarks on to the reserve who announced themselves in full song. A good count of 19 Crows this morning some of which seemed to be acting quite skittish. This was then explained by a single Raven flying North. Only the 2nd record of a Raven this century, with the last recorded in 2024. Perhaps it will grow to be a more common sight as more are being recorded in East Anglia. One Crow of interest had lots of white secondaries in the wing.

Otherwise 2 Meadow pipit, 6 Ringed plover, 3 Cetti's warbler, 1 Jackdaw and 1 Song Thrush Present. 2 Shelduck West, 4 Brent Geese South and 11 Cormorants about.

Ringing: Nil.