Another 73 Curlew southbound plus 5 Barwit & a Grey Heron. Going walkabout 79 Swift south & 4 Brent north. Grey Wag was the only migrant on site with a Blackcap being a dispersing juvenile. Blackcap have only ever nested here once ever although wandering youngsters regularly turn up before beginning southbound migration from the end of August onwards. Couldn't resist another photo of Hornet Moth as these 2 were up to "hanky-panky" on the trunk of a Poplar low down having presumably fallen out of the top of the trees whilst at "it". Moth traps busy with the moth below causing a bit of a headache. Cloaked Minor doesn't start emerging here until the end of July onwards and when they do they do not look anything like this one. An aberrant form does occur according to the books & we suspect this is an immigrant from the continent which is why it doesn't look like the normal ones we see and the odd flight time. If it is not that then we are at a loss to identify it.
18 birds ringed: 5 greenfinch, 3 goldfinch, 2 dunnock, 2 linnet, 2 great tit, 1 blue tit, 1 blackcap, 1 collared dove, 1 house sparrow.