Wednesday 1st July 2015
We are now into July, a notoriously quiet month bird wise, and, as we wait for return migration to get going, we must turn our attentions to other things, like butterflies and moths and other insects, as well as checking on the progress of our breeding birds. As we are having a particularly dry spell at present, our breeding birds are struggling to rear many young, so it was nice to see this juvenile Whitethroat (top picture) out and about at the butts end, whilst a young Chiffchaff managed to make it to one of our nets today. Insects are picking up due to the better weather, and there was a big surprise in the moth traps with this first site record of the micro moth Schrenckensteinia festaliella. (above).
Ringed 4 birds today, 1 each of Chiffchaff, Wren, Greenfinch and Starling.