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Tuesday 25th June 2024

More young birds today, including the ones we've been expecting since last autumn, the first two Cetti's warbler fledglings ever recorded at Landguard, also the only Cetti's warblers of any kind recorded in June. After last autumns influx of 13, and at least 3 singing males and 2 females present this year, it was more a case of  'when will we see?' than a 'will we see?' a breeding attempt. More young dunnocks are cropping up every morning it seems along with a few advanced whitethroat juveniles, presumably the ones observed at the Butt's pond a few weeks ago. 2 sand martin south were also notable and the starling flock is on again building up with 120 on the reserve this morning.

First noted here in 2004 and annual since 2017, Langmaid's Yellow Underwing has colonised. 

Birds Ringed: Cetti's Warbler 2, Chiffchaff 2, Dunnock 2, Lesser Whitethroat 1, Whitethroat 1.